Tuesday 21 February 2012

RYUGAKU NEWS is here for YOU!

Ryugaku News is very much passionate about helping Japanese, Vietnamese, Koreans and many other nationalities get the future they desire. Finding the school that suits your personality is one of our goals. We would like to help you.

Although it is just a new agency, the progress has been really quick and overwhelming! Ryugaku News was launched in June 2011 and the number of schools and academies we have partnered with has gone really big. We now have partners in some of the best known places in the US like Massachusetts, New York and Hawaii. We are also connected to several schools in Canada, New Zealand and the UK and to a lot of Language schools in the Philippines.

For the past months, the services we have offered to our clients have been very satisfactory and everyone loved Ryugaku News for it. Our agents assist with all sincerity. We present a lot of good options since we have  the bests language schools on the planet!

We are so much pleased to inform you that in this endeavour, we would love to be partners with you too as teachers. If you are connected to someone-a Japanese, Korean or Vietnamese national- and he/she is looking for a language school, RYUGAKU NEWS is the one that your friend needs.


For every referral that you do, RYUGAKU NEWS promises to give you a commission. The commission will depend on the number of weeks of your friend's stay in the school he/she has chosen. The longer the student stays, the higher commission you get. The more you refer,the more you gain.

If you are interested or you want to know more about this great news, please feel free to contact us:

Website: www.ryugaku-news.jp
Skype: ryugaku-news or henry.ryugaku.news
Facebook: www.facebook.com/RyugakuNews or Henry RyugakuNews
Mobile: 09162987436 (Look for Mr. Henry)

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