Thursday 23 February 2012

A Treat from RYUGAKU! Great US Academies for you!!!

Hi everyone! Ryugaku News is in the house and I am up to giving you a special treat today! If you have been looking for a school to go to in America, well, you've found the perfect place!

Based on our observation, most ESL students who study English usually follow the same pattern. A big number of students usually take English courses in the Philippines as a start. That is great! After that, they normally go to Canada, Australia, the UK and of course, the United States of America. Now, Ryugaku News is going to show you some of the best schools you could go to after taking your initial studies in the Philippines.

Because we would like to help you, our great clients, we have included in this feature certain things that you will surely like about these schools. If you want to know more information about these schools, please feel free to contact us by calling the numbers below this blog. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

(Note: The school tuition fees stated here are subject to change, please call us for more information.)

AOI Students give their best pose. Smile!
Okay, let’s begin with the one where Hollywood is, AOI College of Languages. It is located in Torrance, California and it is just a few miles from the famous tourist attractions like Disneyland, Knot’s Berry Farm, Newport Beach, and San Diego. It is known to be very effective for those who wish to study in the United States for a short time. You can learn well because of their comprehensive grammar lessons, including the usage of words in daily conversation. With its high level of education come very reasonable fees. Her, you study much without paying much! It has a very good reputation and the school security is superb. Students who have graduated from AOI Torrance actually say it’s a good place to study.
Intensive Course: $912 for 4 Weeks (About ¥70,000)

ZONI Building in New York

One of the schools that we recommend you is in the heart of the USA. ZONI Language Centre is in Manhattan, New York! It is within walking distance from the location of the world-famous Empire State Building and Time’s Square. If you want to experience life right in the Big Apple, Zoni is a great choice! Since New York is known all over the world, the nationalities of people that come here are numerous which assures that you’ll learn English more effectively!
Premium Intensive Course: $893 for 4 Weeks (About ¥68,700)
Students enjoy studying in the cool of the day at EF Boston.

If you highly consider the environment in choosing your language school,well,we have it in here for you

EF International Language Centre in Boston can give that to you just that! It has a calm atmosphere that you will surely savour and enjoy. They have a wide range of courses from which to you could choose from. The courses they offer will surely satisfy you as a student. They have sports facilities that you can enjoy while studying. Just imagine studying in the College centre of the world!
Intensive Course: $2,755 for 4 Weeks (About ¥211,500)

You see, Ryugaku News can absolutely provide you and your friends the best schools there on the planet. And if you are interested in knowing more information about these schools, please call us. Our contact numbers are below this blog. We are waiting for you! At your Service-Ryugaku News!

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